WDC aim to become one of the largest and most prestigious laboratories in the World. Rather than most of the laboratories, it is the company which produces the certificates in quickest way in the World.

   WDC bases on the objective standards during the evaluation process of the diamonds and offers the best service to its customers with “4 C” diamond classification system which is used globally.

   This certificate is pepared by the gemologists who passed a lot of education and examination. However, snidely or my mistake if changing, mixing or modifying the product related to this certificate afterwardshappens, our company is unanswerable.

   Besides this certificate is a special certificate which is designed to provide more reliable sales fort he retailer jewelers. You may control your product which has unique visual qualities from www.wdcwashington.com with a Jewelry Report Number.

  1. Grand Size Brillant Certificate
  2. Mini Stone Certificate
  3. Jewellery Certificate
  4. Vacuum
  5. Oral Report
  6. Colored Stone Identification
  7. Brillant Training With a Diploma
  8. Brillant Expertness Training